Art and Culture of India

INDIAN CULTURE The culture of India is one of the oldest and unique. In India, there is amazing cultural diversity throughout the country. The South-North and North-East have their own distinct cultures and almost every state has carved out its own culture niche. There is hardly any culture in the world that is as varied and unique as India. India is a home to some of the most ancient civilization including four major world religions i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Indian cultural history has been derived by the absorbing customs, traditions and rituals from both invaders and immigrants. Many Indian customs, cultural practices and languages are examples of this co-mingling over centuries. With the following invasions of the Islamic rulers, the culture of India was heavily influenced by Persian, Arabic, Turkish culture. 5000 years old Indian culture is both ancient and varied. Also unity in diversity, which is the main mantra of Indian civilization can be seen ...