How to grow Bonsai apple tree in a pot?

The tree has a dense form, with plenty of deep-green leaves. Pendent pink and white blooms adorn the tree over the summer months. These give way to green fruits. The aerial roots of the tree are particularly bonsai-friendly.


  • POSITION:- Situate the tree in a sunny location indoors. The apple bonsai can be grown outdoors in full sun or semi-shade , but roots must be mulched heavily to protect the tree from cold temperatures.
  • WATERING:- Water the tree daily to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Water requirements increase when the tree is in fruit.
  • FEEDING:- Feed the tree twice a month with a bonsai fertilizer, but do not feed when it is in fruit.
  • LEAF AND BRANCH PRUNING:- Remove leaves as needed to allow light and air to reach all parts of the tree. Prune branches to shape the tree in springtime, before leaves emerge.
  • REPOTTING:- When grown in a container, re-potting is usually necessary every three to four years or when roots are pot-bound and watering becomes difficult. Re-pot either in early to mid-spring or early fall, using a bonsai soil mix that contains compost.
  • WIRING:-  Carry out shaping in the spring, before the emergence of new leaves and buds. The tree limbs should be slightly dry before wiring because they are more flexible at that point.
The apple bonsai tree needs a general purpose type of fertilizer. You can also fertilize it with a dilute form of manure tea once a week in the spring and fall, except while the fruit it growing. Maintaining your apple bonsai tree will ensure that you get the beautiful, fragrant and stylish creation that you desire.


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